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Continuous Learning

We recently had the privilege of sitting down with Jason Donkersgoed from the Lethbridge College. As the Director of LC Extension, he provided some valuable information about the programs they offer in what used to be known as the Corporate and Continuing Education department. With a broad target demographic, from individuals looking to upskill to organizations looking to provide learning and development opportunities, LC Extension is a great resource for southern Alberta and beyond. Donkersgoed pointed out that there is a growing need for human skills in the workforce and that how employees view work has changed in the last 5 years, but the how we lead hasn’t, so LC Extension is poised to address this gap. At Hire Standard, as we work with a variety of companies and job seekers striving to make a mutually beneficial match, we are hearing that what employees want is growth opportunity, challenge, communication and flexibility. We want the employers that we work with and present our candidates to be ready to meet those needs, which will lead to long term job satisfaction and retention. Happy employees also lead to increased productivity, which we are lacking in Canada with a declining GDP per capita. We feel really positive about the programs offered through LC Extension, from job seekers looking to improve their skills to employers looking to provide professional development opportunities. The team at LC Extension can also guide employers through the Canada Alberta Job Grant application, which provides funding to employers to provide training for employees. They can offer off the shelf programs or customize a program or group of courses to your unique needs. One particular course that is making waves is the Leader as Coach course. This 3-month, online course is a strong leadership development tool and will address how to manage employees in a way that engages and motivates them. It is also the only International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited post-secondary course in Alberta, which speaks to the level of credibility. If you as an employer are ready to develop the awareness, capacity and effectiveness of your management and employees, check out LC Extension. Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know and having an open, growth mindset to pursue training will have a positive return on investment for all involved.

Lorie Hayes