Permanent and Temporary Staffing & Background Screening
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Year In Review

As we come to a close on this surreal year, we want to reflect on some encouraging aspects. Despite the challenges of 2020, the Hire Standard team has remained steadfast in our commitment to our clients and uninterrupted in our efforts to serve your staffing and background screening needs. As a business community we were thrown into a tailspin by a world health crisis. It was remarkable how, when faced with uncertainty and obstacles, people stepped up to do their part. Whether it be staying home to protect the vulnerable, offering curbside delivery, or discounted rates to take the burden off accessing services when it was otherwise prohibitive, people have rallied and carried on. We rolled out our Covid Recovery Pricing for permanent recruitments until our economy is back on its feet. Many have had to navigate the new dynamic of working from home with all its pros and cons (watch video). What a wonder technology is that we can remain functioning and connected at this time. Doing online meetings and interviews has allowed us to keep business running quite smoothly.

In our community we have seen outpourings of generosity and acts or words of kindness. “We are in this together” still rings true. We have all been touched by this pandemic and we all need to support each other. All of us play a part in contributing to keeping society functioning. We want to acknowledge front line workers from healthcare, to supply chain, to grocery employees. Thank you to all who keep our lives running and our needs met.

Many companies have come up with creative ways to offer services or products and new products or services have been launched. At Hire Standard we now offer Criminal Record Checks online to reduce walk-in traffic. To throw out some well worn phrases, desperation is the mother of invention. When faced with obstacles we can either succumb or overcome. Many have persevered and will come out the other side of this. Not unscathed, but with determination to rebuild and carry on. There are always lessons to be learned in a crisis – lets hope that these lessons are agents of growth and future success. We also want to acknowledge that some of the loss from this year will be irreversible. Whether personal or in your work, financial or health related, we send our sincere sympathies. If the end of this year finds you weary and burdened, we hope that you find gratitude in the good things you do have and know that this season is not forever.

We are so grateful for your continued support and hope that the near future brings us into contact again. Enjoy your holiday season in whatever form it takes and we wish you much joy, health and success in the New Year.

Lorie Hayes